Oct 2003 / it's all happening :: email this story to a friend
October on the Move
By Thomas Crone, Amanda E. Doyle and Brian H. Marston
Continuing through Oct. 25
Exhibit: Cynthia Greig, "Representations"
Weitman Gallery of Photographic and Digital Arts, in The Lewis Center, 721 Kingsland, 314-935-8406
Greig, a BFA graduate from Wash U, exhibits her recent photographic work at the university's nonprofit photo/digital art gallery. Her works combine drawing and photography, yielding a result that is not quite what it seems at first glance. Ah, art that makes you think...we like it. (AED)
Wednesday, October 1
Cinema in the City: "The Dark Crystal"
Beatnik Bob's in the City Museum, 15th & Lucas
$4, all ages, 7:30 p.m., 314-868-7487, www.webster.edu/filmseries.html
For children who grew up on "Sesame Street" and "The Muppets," the arrival of "The Dark Crystal" in 1982 was a mind-blowing experience. Featuring a convoluted storyline filled with fantasy-genre narrative linchpins, the film overcomes its flaws with stunning puppetry and inventive sets. There's a bit of a dated quality to the movie today, but the work still holds up as a fine example of children's fare that's entertaining to adults, too. Especially those who were just coming of age when this Oz-Henson collaboration was released. (TC)
Friday, October 3
Art opening: "Cook: Driven"
Gallery Urbis Orbis, 1409 Washington
Free, all ages, 5-11 p.m., 314-406-5778, www.urbis-orbis.com
One of the principals behind Gallery Urbis Orbis, painter Stephen Cook has spent the summer painting on the East Coast. He'll return to St. Louis with a new batch of work, said to be more abstract than the large-scale, portraiture efforts that St. Louisans have come to know in recent years. This opening will also be the last in the "old" Urbis Orbis space, as the gallery will be moving into the 10th Street Lofts building in time for the November opening. It's been a fun space while it lived next door to Tangerine this year, and this will be a perfect opportunity to send it off in style. (TC)
Saturday, October 4-Sunday, October 5
Historic Shaw Art Fair
Flora Place & Tower Grove
$4 for adults (free for children), 10 a.m.-5 p.m., 314-771-3101, www.shawartfair.com
Over a decade old now, the Historic Shaw Art Fair is one of those perennial favorites in St. Louis and an event that seems to draw even the most skittish of City visitors. With some 130 artists taking part (local, regional and national), the streets of the Shaw neighborhood are filled with hardcore shoppers and browsers. If you happen to like visiting friends in the area on the weekend, be forewarned: traffic and parking are at big-city levels near the park on these two days. (TC)
Saturday, October 4
South Side Rocks Off
Multiple venues: CBGB, Mangia Italiano, the Upstairs Lounge, the Jade Room, MoKaBe's
$8-10, 21-up (at most venues), 7 p.m.-3 a.m., jasonphono@att.net
A dozen-and-a-half of the better rock bands in St. Louis with a few regional ringers thrown in will perform along the South Grand strip this evening, taking a cue from local festivals of yore. (Anybody remember the MRMF? Fondly? Hopefully so. Anyway...) This fest will include bands you may very well have heard of, like the Highway Matrons and The Electric, and bands that may be new to you, like Tone Rodent and Baysayboos. On nights like this, though, with one ticket price in effect ($8 in advance, $10 at the doors), you've got a good chance to inform yourself about a bunch of bands quickly. All that said, we're still scratching our heads on how anyone's going to play the tiny confines of the Jade Room. Again, one more reason to head out for the night. (TC)
Saturday, October 4
American Chamber Chorale concert: Harvest of Plenty
Kirkwood Baptist Church, 211 N. Woodlawn Ave.
$15, all ages, 8 p.m. (7:30 discussion), 314-892-4279, www.corovoce.org
I have a confession to make: not a huge fan of the choral musical form. But I also am forced to admit that this evening's program of the ACC's third season would make me give it a chance, because it includes traditional tunes from Cuba, Nigeria and China, along with updated arrangements of folksongs from places like Ireland and Scotland...AND a percussion ensemble AND Chinese folk dancers! Seriously, that's a wide swath of entertainment. (AED)
Sunday, October 5
Budding Urbanists' Reading Hour
The Commonspace, 615 N. Grand in Grand Center, one block north of the Fox Theatre
Free, all ages (stories aimed at ages 3 to 7), 3 p.m., 314-531-1707, amanda@thecommonspace.org
If you are in possession or guardianship of some children who like a good story, bring them to our monthly kids' storytime, where they'll find friends, fun and tales with a positive take on city life. (Sneaky, ain't we, starting with the young generation?) Delightful refreshments are available for purchase, and some afternoons will include art/song projects and special guests. This installment brings "Dogzilla," "A Trip to The City," "The Big, Green Pocketbook," and of course, "My Truck Is Stuck!" Stake out your spot on the carpet now! (AED)
Monday, October 6
The Wire: Pledge Drive
7:30-8 p.m., KDHX 88.1 FM, 314-664-3688, www.kdhx.org
'Tis the time of year for the authors of this column to request your pledge dollars for our community radio station, KDHX. Some shows air for three hours, some for two, others for an hour. We've only got half-an-hour to raise our twice-annual goals. Hear this and other pitches on The Wire on this evening. If you can rub a couple coins together for us, they'd be most appreciated if dropped in the KDHX coffers. Do tune in, please, and call if you can. (TC)
Tuesday, October 7
Saul Williams (spoken word)
Vintage Vinyl, 6610 Delmar
Free, all ages, 4 p.m., 314-721-4096, www.vintagevinyl.com
Acclaimed spoken slam poet, actor and musician Saul Williams will appear at Vintage Vinyl's flagship University City location for a solo, spoken word show. He's touring in support of a CD, "Not in My Name," and a book, "said the shotgun to the head." If you've endured slam poetry and thought, "This isn't my cup of tea," see it and hear it when the best is in town. (TC)
Wednesday, October 8
Concert: Stephan Smith
The Commonspace, 615 N. Grand in Grand Center, one block north of the Fox Theatre
$7 (free for Friends of The Commonspace!), all ages, 7:30 p.m. doors/8 show, 314-531-1707, amanda@thecommonspace.org
Neo-folkie Stephan Smith delivered this summer's powerful
anti-war anthem "The Bell," which was given the Pete
Seeger stamp of approval. Along with that song, Smith has
recorded several songs on themes of human rights, peace
and justice. He was dubbed the "heir apparent to Woody
Guthrie" by the Village Voice, and you'll get to see his
St. Louis debut, part of his mission to bring "great music
that speaks to a better world." Local singer/songwriter Anna Roland opens with her edgy, politically charged folk music.
Thursday, October 9
BUILD St. Louis Social
The Commonspace/People's Coffee, 615 N. Grand in Grand Center, one block north of the Fox Theatre
Free, all ages, 7:30 - 10 p.m., 314-518-6548, levinson@ifairtrade.net, www.buildstlouis.org
If you support independent, local businesses (and we know you do), this informal get-together is the place to be. BUILD (Businesses United for Independent, Local Development) St. Louis is a coalition of independent business owners, community development organizations, and concerned citizens united to help our community prosper. By promoting local ownership, BUILD aims to revitalize the St. Louis economy, strengthen our neighborhoods, and preserve the unique culture of St. Louis. (BHM)
Friday, October 10
Alumni Photography Exhibit
Webster University, May Gallery, 8300 Big Bend
Free, 5-8 p.m., 314-968-6900
Long a home to some of the best student photographers in St. Louis, Webster University's May Gallery highlights some of the talented alum who've come through the program over the past couple of decades. Consistently one of the best exhibits at the college during the school year, this exhibition should be filled with the usual number of surprises. (TC)
Friday, October 10 and Saturday, October 11
Play/Musical: "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/When the Rainbow Is Enuf"
The Commonspace, 615 N. Grand in Grand Center, one block north of the Fox Theatre
$12 ($10 for Friends of The Commonspace), 8 p.m., admin2@cocastl.org, 314-283-2498, 618-567-0237
This passionate and powerful literary powerhouse written by Ntozake Shange has excited and inspired audiences all over the world. These words uniquely and distinctly exemplify what it means to be of color and female in the 21st century. The play consists of women who come together to share their stories of their past, stories of their pleasure and stories of their pain. The words ring like lyrics of a song that speak passion, heartache, desire, rage and love. You don't want to miss OXCA's (Open Xpression thru Community Arts) production of this riveting masterpiece. (BHM)
Saturday, October 11
Cohousing Salon
The Commonspace, 615 N. Grand in Grand Center, one block north of the Fox Theatre
Free, all ages, 10 a.m. - noon, 314-534-4780, braford@sbcglobal.net
Come join us for coffee and conversation on cohousing. Find out about this new opportunity to live in cooperation with your neighbors and in harmony with nature. There are three cohousing communities forming in St. Louis; we'll have information on all of them. This is a chance to get your questions answered and meet some of the people already involved, including leaders of the Culver Way Cohousing community near The Commonspace. (AED)
Saturday, October 11
The Commonspace, 615 N. Grand in Grand Center, one block north of the Fox Theatre
Free, all ages, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (Friends of The Commonspace Early-Bird Preview at 9:30 a.m.), lynn@peoplescoffee.com
By Popular Demand! (No, really.) A reprise of last month's smash debut,
RetroMarket features groovealicious clothing, home wares, jewels,
recordings, baubles and happy finds of all sorts. We had a bustling bazaar
last month, and decided to haul it all out again (plus some) for those of
you who missed out. Hit MetroMarket, across the street in Leon Strauss Park,
and then come browse our wares. Everything must go...and it's all to benefit
The Commonspace, a hip spot if ever there were one. Be there or be square!
(And sure, groovy donations still accepted. Contact Lynn for details.)
Saturday, October 11
Saint Louis University Billikens vs. South Florida Bulls
Robert R. Hermann Stadium, SLU campus
Various prices, all ages, 7 p.m., www.slubillikens.com
At the time of this writing, Saint Louis University's Billikens had ridden the crest of a six-game winning streak, and then stumbled with a tie and loss to Western Illinois and Louisville, respectively. That's the kind of thing that'll happen to a soccer program with nearly a dozen players who are freshmen and sophomores. Incredible, really, that they were able to quell four Top-20 teams in their first half-dozen games. By the time USF rolls onto Slug's Hermann Stadium pitch, we'll have a better idea of whether this youthful bunch are contenders to go deep into the NCAA tourney, or are simply too green to put it all together this season. All the same, freshmen like Will John and (Roosevelt High's) Vedad Ibisevic are fun to watch and worth the price of admission alone. (TC)
Saturday, October 11
Jimmy Griffin
Mangia Italiano, 3145 So. Grand
Price TBA, 10 p.m.-1 a.m., 314-664-8585
In a former day and age, Jimmy Griffin was a guitar slinger for bands like Kingofthehill and Neptune Crush, bands gilded with glam looks and showy chops. Of late, though, he's been plying his trade with the decidedly low-key Nadine, a surprising move on paper, but sensible on stage and on CD. At Mangia once a month, Griffin pulls from a ridiculously deep catalog of cover tunes, from all types of eras and genres. He might not enjoy the experience, but you could probably play stump-the-singer for a good long while before beating Mr. Griffin. (TC)
Sunday, October 12
Harvest Festival
Shaw Nature Reserve, off Highway 44 in Gray Summit, MO
All ages (but don't bring your pets!), 11 a.m.-5 p.m., www.schlafly.com/harvest.shtml
First off, it's just a no-brainer that when Schlafly Beer and Sauce Magazine co-sponsor an event, you should go. (Mmmm, beer and food from St. Louis' finest; what's not to love?) But this orgy of autumn also includes a local, organic farmers' market, down-home music from the likes of the Augusta Bottoms Consort and the Flying Mules, Kaldi's coffee, kids' activities, wines from Mount Pleasant and more of the things that make life in St. Louis great. Bienvenido, fall! (AED)
Sunday, October 12
Concert: Hildegard of Bingen, the Healing Power of Chant
St. Margaret of Scotland, 39th St. and Flad in the Shaw neighborhood
$5/$7, all ages, 3 p.m., 314-776-0363, ext. 7, grjmj@swbell.net
Get jiggy with Hildegard, the 12th-century mystic! No, really, she was, and her songs and writings form the basis of this ethereal afternoon of chant featuring the angelic voice of soprano Margaret Waddell, accompanied by Desiree Long (on recorder) and Hannah Satterwhite (on violin). As if the chanting weren't enough, refreshments and discussion follow the concert. (AED)
Monday, October 13
The Wire: Spike Gillespie
7:30-8 p.m., KDHX 88.1 FM, 314-664-3688, www.kdhx.org
Noted essayist Spike Gillespie will be on the air, plugging her new title on the University of Texas Press, "Surrender (But Don't Give Yourself Away)," which includes a chapter penned originally for TheCommonspace.org. We'll catch up on this expat's current trials and travails in Austin, TX. Questions for Spike? Write: wire@kdhx.org. (TC)
Wednesday, October 15
Mentor St. Louis Golf Classic
Norman K. Probstein Community Golf Course in Forest Park
11:30 a.m. lunch/12:30 tee-off, 314-531-2570, jjones@mentorstlouis.org
Okay, so I don't have the vaguest idea what "scramble format" even means, but I do know this: Mentor St. Louis, they do good work. It's the largest school-based mentoring program around, providing one-on-one relationships for students in seven St. Louis city schools. So, that's worth putting on funny pants for! Plus, the added bonus is that you get a crack at the newly reopened back nine holes of the Forest Park course. Go out there and knock one out of the, uh, park! Yeah! (AED)
Thursday, October 16
Cine16: "A Different Kind of Canvas"
Mad Art Gallery, 2727 So. 12th
Free, 8 p.m., 314-241-4950, www.cine16.com
Three seldom-seen works will be on tap this month, at what's become one of City's real treats over the past 12 months. (This edition of Cine16 will be the one-year anniversary.) Dominating the night's entertainment will be the longest film to screen a Cine16 event, "The Nuer," a 1970 documentary of a rural Ethiopian people, filmed during the dry season. Also on tap, two films on art, a staple topic of Cine16's, including the globe-hopping "In Praise of Hands." A great turnout last month suggests that as the weather cools, indoors is the place to be. No exception with this night of eclectic programming. (TC)
Friday, October 17
Opening: "Vertical City: The Life and Design of Pruitt-Igoe"
Sheldon Art Galleries, 3648 Washington Blvd.
Free, 5-7 p.m., 314-533-9900, sheldonconcerthall.org/galleries.asp
Pruitt-Igoe, now just a memory since its demolition in 1972, was one of the largest public-housing complexes in the country, home to more than 12,000 people at its peak. Though it is now regarded as a Modernist failure to deal with the real problems of subsidized housing, there were innovative qualities to its design (although some were never realized), and many residents brought vibrancy and life to its corridors during their tenancy there. The photos collected here, from institutional, university and private collections, trace the rise and fall of an American housing development. The exhibit is curated by Joseph Heathcott, an assistant professor in the SLU American Studies department. (AED)
Saturday, October 18
Saint Louis Art Museum opening: German Art Now
One Fine Arts Drive in Forest Park
$6-$10, all ages, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., www.slam.org
Folks, this is big. Among the various other treasures of the permanent collection, our very own art museum happens to be sitting on one of the best assemblages anywhere of German art, and with a few choice items on loan from other places, the German Art Now exhibit promises to be yet another mark-making art happening in a string of them of late. (Contemporary Art Museum, anyone?) Among other things, examine the photo-realistic Gerhard Richter painting "Betty" up close and personally. (It's the one you'll see everywhere, of a tantalizing woman who has turned her back on us...) (AED)
Saturday, October 18
Breakin' @ The Commonspace
The Commonspace, 615 N. Grand in Grand Center, one block north of the Fox Theatre
Free, all ages, 2-4 p.m., brian@thecommonspace.org
We don't mean to brag, but we have the coolest piece of linoleum in town. DJ Reign provides the soundtrack for this afternoon b-boy session. Check it out, y'all. (BHM)
Thursday, October 23
Discover St. Louis: Light on the Shadow of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Lee Auditorium, Missouri History Museum, Forest Park
Free, all ages, 7 p.m., all ages, www.mohistory.org
We won't pretend to know much about the intricacies of public health policy, especially in the historical context. So we'll let the Mo History staff sum up this evening's presentation, part of the Discover St. Louis series that we used to love as the old Urban Forum: "In many ways, a region's health and vitality is directly related to the physical well being of its diverse residents. Public health continues to be a crucial issue for the St. Louis metropolitan area as the region continually struggles to overcome inequalities in healthcare. In a massive campaign, the U.S. Department of Health and Human services has set the target date of 2010 to eliminate a racial and ethnic healthcare gap. In an effort to reach this goal, some medical administrators are asking: What if healthcare services were offered in barbershops, churches or hair salons? What if the medical community truly reached out in partnership with local and community leaders? Join Dr. Stephen Thomas, Philip Hallen Professor of Community Health & Social Justice and Director of the Center for Minority Health/University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, as he highlights Pittsburgh's innovative plan for eliminating disparities in healthcare." (TC)
Thursday, October 24 and Friday, October 25
Conference: "What Is a City? A Place for Children and Youth"
J.C. Penney Conference Center, UM-St.Louis
Free (registration required), 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. each day, 314-516-5699
This ninth annual appearance of the university's popular urban conference focuses on what St. Louis and other areas can do to build child- and family-friendly amenities and institutions, from recreation programs to arts/humanities options. There's generally some pretty worthwhile discussion, so don't forget to RSVP. (AED)
Friday, October 24
Art Opening: Recent Works by Terrell Carter and Ben Pierce
The Commonspace, 615 N. Grand in Grand Center, one block north of the Fox Theatre
Free, all ages, 7-10 p.m., view the postcard, amanda@thecommonspace.org
St. Louis artists Carter and Pierce share the gallery walls and an aesthetic dialogue, from representational images in response to the imagined effects of war to a streetwise, hip-hop sensibility. Come enjoy an evening of vibrant art, great music (bring a buck to buy a copy of DJ Trackstar's mix CD) and sparkling conversation. The exhibition runs through Friday, November 21. (AED)
Saturday, October 25-Sunday, October 26
Webster University Film Series: "Ann Arbor Film Festival Tour"
Wini Moore Auditorium, 470 E. Lockwood
$4-6, all ages, 8 p.m., 314-968-7487, www.webster.edu/filmseries.html
The WU Film Series is noted for the quality selections on each film calendar, but a few times a year, even the staffers are open to surprise. The Ann Arbor Film Festival Tour books dates with films unseen; the quality of past work and generally supportive audience suggests that they've got the goods year-in and year-out. This year, approximately nine shorts will be on each evening's program, with a wide variety of experimental, narrative and documentary titles shown. (TC)
Sunday, October 26 Platform talk: "Committed to Making a Difference," by Paul Rogat Loeb
Ethical Society of St. Louis, 9001 Clayton Rd.
Free, all ages, 11 a.m., 314-991-0955, www.ethicalstl.org
Loeb, author of the influential book "Soul of A Citizen: Living With Conviction in a Cynical Time," is also an investigative reporter who brings a keen sense of responsibility to his avocation. His appearance here, supported by the Nick Pacino Lecture Fund, will surely put some fire in the belly for all you weary activists out there. (AED)
Sunday, October 26
Kangaku Book Club
The Commonspace, 615 N. Grand in Grand Center, one block north of the Fox Theatre
Free, all ages, 3-5 p.m., 314-795-2663, cmcdermott@visionforchildren.org
October's book is "Stupid White Men," by Michael Moore. The Kangaku Book Club encourages learning to promote social justice. Its goal is to create a community of learning in the search for justice and truth. The group seeks to learn about local, national and international issues through books and through each other. Each month, they will choose a book related to various themes such as globalization, poverty, politics, education equity, the death penalty, women's issues, indigenous rights and struggle, etc. We, of course, encourage you to get your copy at the library or Left Bank Books.
Wednesday, October 29
World Wide Wednesday: Ghana
The Commonspace, 615 N. Grand in Grand Center, one block north of the Fox Theatre
Free, all ages, 7 p.m., amanda@thecommonspace.org
Our monthly series of discussions about far-flung places, as seen through the eyes of St. Louisans who've spent time there, treks this month to the African nation of Ghana. Rose, our guest and a native Ghanian, has been in St. Louis just three years (she came here to study social work at Wash U), but has plenty to say already about differences in daily life between the two places. Come and get smart! (AED)
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