21 Under 21
Do you know a young person who's making a difference in St. Louis? The Commonspace will be recognizing our city's most dedicated, creative, inspiring and visionary young people with the 21 Under 21 awards. Nominations are due by April 30. For more information, see the contest rules. The winners will be featured in the "Young Minds" section of TheCommonspace.org, and honored at a party in June.
Church and State:
By Thomas Crone
A Politician with Punch
Twenty-fifth Ward Alderman Dan Kirner's been honored for his work as an amateur boxing judge, with a recent Hall of Fame induction >>
By Steven Fitzpatrick Smith
Get Fuzzy
Anyone with access to a tennis ball and a schoolyard could be the next Yogi Berra of fuzzball, the king of St. Louis street games >>
By Sara Jenkins
Pedestrian Times
The celebrated author and Zen Buddhist remembers St. Louis through the soles of her feet >>
By Tony Bossaller
Gay St. Louis
Out and about in one of the most gay-friendly cities in the Midwest >>
From the Source:
By Stephen Duncan
Gratitude Through Technology
A "big thank you" to patrons of St. Louis' cultural attractions shows how regional collaboration can work >>
It's All Happening:
By Thomas Crone, Amanda E. Doyle and Brian H. Marston
April Fool's Gold
So much to do and see in the merry month of April >>
Young Minds:
By Cindy Brown
Bikes, Bytes and Brains
Kids can earn bikes, computers and respect from an innovative program in the Shaw neighborhood >>
The Ordinary Eye:
Photographs by Wayne St. Wayne Text by Thomas Crone
Shot Through the Ropes
Wayne St. Wayne's wild images of nights at Kiel Auditorium and the Chase remind us of St. Louis' stretch as Wrestle Town, U.S.A. >>
By Matt Ghio
Walkin' in Memphis
Our doppelganger city to the south bounces back with a revitalized downtown, people on the streets and an energized group of young people >>
Sights and Sounds:
By Thomas Crone
Spinning the Wheel O' Links
We catch up on some local ephemera, criticism and culture by turning to the crazy fad known as the Information Superhighway >>
Media Shoegaze:
By S. Scarbriel
Taking da Lou Worldwide
Stlhiphop.com gives St. Louis artists a much-needed media outlet >>
A Day's Work:
By Kent Shaw
Welcome to America, or at Least, Union Station
Riding shotgun with the multinational force that makes up downtown's cab-driving population >>
From the Editor:
By Amanda E. Doyle
Me, the Juror
All my years of watching "Law and Order" did nothing to prepare me for jury duty in the City of St. Louis >>